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This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a sybil-resistant poll on NumerBay.


You need to have a NumerBay account with Numerai API Key in order to create polls or vote on NumerBay.

Create a poll

To create a poll, head to My polls page. Click the New Poll button and complete the new poll form as shown below.

Basic settings

Poll Creation Basic
  • Topic: Main topic of the poll
  • End Date: Poll automatically ends on this date at 00:00 UTC
  • Description: Description of the poll
  • Short url: Used for generating short URL, cannot be changed later
  • Multiple choice: Whether a voter can choose multiple (and how many) options
  • Weighting Mode:
    • Equal Weights for All: Anyone can vote. All votes are equal weighted
    • Equal Weights for Staked: Only staked Numerai participants can vote. All votes are equal weighted
    • Log Staked NMR: Votes are weighted by the formula LN(1+[Tournament Stake])

Advanced settings

Click Show advanced settings for additional configurations.

Poll Creation Advanced
  • Blind results: Whether to keep the results hidden until the poll ends
  • Anonymous votes: Whether voter ID (Numerai Wallet Address) is encrypted when stored in the backend. This has no visible effect for the voters. This only needs to be set if a subsequent vote audit is required
  • Min participation threshold:
    • All Active Participants: No minimum staked rounds requirement
    • Min 3 Month Participation: Requires staked participation for the past 13 weeks
    • Min 1 Year Participation: Requires staked participation for the past 52 weeks
  • Stake Determination (only for blind polls):
    • Pre-determine Stake: Use the stake snapshot taken for the tournament round before poll creation
    • Post-determine Stake: Only applicable for blind polls. Use the stake snapshot taken for the tournament round when poll closes
  • Stake basis round: use stake snapshot as of a certain tournament round for vote weight calculation
  • Min stake: Minimum staked NMR required to vote
  • Clipping for low stake: Clip lower NMR values to this amount
  • Clipping for high stake: Clip higher NMR values to this amount

Vote on a poll

Poll Vote