Automate Submissions (seller)
As a seller, you can use the Python client, its command line interface or the REST APIs for automating submissions to NumerBay.
This tutorial only submits product artifact files to NumerBay. You still need to submit your files to Numerai in your own code.
Using Python Client
Python client API reference is available at
If you have not installed the numerbay
client, install by:
pip install -U numerbay
from numerbay import NumerBay
api = NumerBay(username="myusername", password="mypassword")
Alternatively, set the env variables in command line for authentication:
export NUMERBAY_USERNAME=myusername
export NUMERBAY_PASSWORD=mypassword
To submit file to your listing:
artifact = api.upload_artifact(FILE_PATH, product_full_name="numerai-predictions-mymodel")
If you have a pandas DataFrame, you can also submit it directly:
api.upload_artifact(df=df, product_full_name="numerai-predictions-mymodel")
Using Command Line
To see command Line help message:
numerbay --help
If you have not installed the numerbay
client, install by:
pip install -U numerbay
Set the env variables in command line for authentication:
export NUMERBAY_USERNAME=myusername
export NUMERBAY_PASSWORD=mypassword
To submit file to your listing:
numerbay submit --product_full_name="numerai-predictions-mymodel" ./predictions.csv
Webhook Trigger
All products can set a webhook to trigger uploads for orders, but this is mostly useful for products using client-side encryption as the uploads for those are done per-order.
The webhooks are triggered when:
- On new round open, and the product has active sale orders
- On each new order that is confirmed after round open and before round close
The webhooks are muted when tournament rounds are not open.
The webhook sends a POST
request when triggered with the following json body:
"date": "2022-04-02T13:25:32.893448",
"product_id": 4206,
"product_category": "numerai-predictions",
"product_name": "myproduct",
"product_full_name": "numerai-predictions-myproduct",
"model_id": "adabxxx-3acf-470e-8733-e4283261xxxx",
"tournament": 8,
"order_id": 52,
"round_tournament": 327
- date: ISO 8601 timestamp
- product_id: NumerBay product ID
- product_category: NumerBay product category
- product_name: NumerBay product name
- product_full_name: NumerBay product full name (category-name)
- model_id: Numerai model ID
- tournament: Numerai tournament ID
- order_id: (Optional) NumerBay order ID, present when triggered on new order, null when triggered on round open
- round_tournament: Currently selling tournament round